A Closer Look at Frédéric Bastiat’s Concerns About the Perversion of the Law
Frédéric Bastiat was a 19th-century French political economist and philosopher best known for his writings on free trade. He also wrote…
Frédéric Bastiat was a 19th-century French political economist and philosopher best known for his writings on free trade. He also wrote extensively about his concerns regarding the perversion of the law, which he believed could lead to the destruction of human progress and prosperity. So, what were these concerns? And why were they so important? Let’s take a closer look.
What is Perversion of the Law?
Simply put, perversion of the law occurs when laws are passed to benefit a particular group or individuals at the expense of another. This often takes form in laws that favour one class over another, such as special tax breaks for businesses or subsidies for specific industries, according to Bastiat, this type of favouritism results in an unhealthy concentration of power in the hands of just a few people. It leads to injustices against those not part of this privileged class.
The Dangers of Perverting The Law
Bastiat argued that legislators were essentially undermining their authority and legitimacy by passing laws that benefit some while hurting others. This is because these laws are seen as unfair and unjust by those who do not benefit from them, resulting in resentment towards those in power. Furthermore, these types of laws can cause economic instability since they distort market forces and lead to inefficient resource allocation since resources are allocated based on political considerations rather than economic ones. Finally, such laws can also lead to increased conflict between different social classes as those who don’t benefit from them try to resist them while those who do will fight tooth and nail to keep them in place.
The Solution According To Bastiat
For Bastiat, the only way to prevent the perversion of law was through strict adherence to natural law — the idea that all people have certain inherent rights which cannot be taken away from them by any government or institution, regardless of what kind of majority opinion might exist at any given time. By using this principle as their guiding light, legislators could ensure that no one group was favoured over another and that everyone had an equal chance at success without fear or interference from any outside force. In this way, society could advance toward greater prosperity without fear or oppression from any particular group or faction.
Frédéric Bastiat had many insightful observations about how governments should operate and treat their citizens fairly and equally under the rule of law. His thoughts on preventing perversion of law remain relevant today as governments worldwide struggle with issues like inequality and crony capitalism which threaten our democracies and freedoms. It is up to us — as citizens — to ensure that our governments remain accountable for their actions so that no one group is favoured over another in pursuit of justice for all people everywhere! By adhering closely to natural law principles, we can ensure that everyone has an equal chance at success while still respecting each other’s rights as individuals within the society.